BIM and Agent-Based Model Integration for Construction Management Optimization

Francesco Livio Rossini1, Gabriele Novembri2 & Antonio Fioravanti3

1PhD Candidate, in Engineering-based Architecture and Urban Planning - Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, ITA, [email protected]
2Aggregate Professor, Dept. of Civil, Constructional and Environmental Engineering, Sapienza - University of Rome, Rome, ITA, [email protected]
3Aggregate Professor, Dept. of Civil, Constructional and Environmental Engineering, Sapienza - University of Rome, Rome, ITA, [email protected]


The current necessity of manage complexity in the field of building process management push to provide process' figures of construction methodologies and tools capable to support them in a proficient way. With the scope to define in advance the places occupied by workers to accomplish a task, is defined a methodology and related tools to integrate Building Information Modeling (BIM) with an Agent-Based simulation of workers activities. The goal is to know at early project phases where it is possible to work in a more effective and safer way, how it is possible to be more efficient placing in the same working space different working phases and when it is possible to allow the continuity of building operations. The outcome of the system is predicting how much resources are involved in a project, identifying and minimizing wasted time.


BIM, Project and Construction Management, Lean construction, Agent- Based Simulation



Rossini, F. L. , Novembri, G. & Fioravanti, A. 2017. BIM and Agent-Based Model Integration for Construction Management Optimization, 25th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction , 111-118.

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