IGLC.net EXPORT DATE: 2 June 2024 @CONFERENCE{Amaral2012, author={Amaral, Tatiana Gondim do and Celestino, Pedro Henrique Monteiro and Fernandes, José Henrique Alves and Brito, Mário Henrique Gomes and Ferreira, Murillo Batista }, editor={Tommelein, Iris D. and Pasquire, Chrisitne L. }, title={Presence of Lean Construction Principles in the Civil Construction market in the state of GOIÁS}, journal={20th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction}, booktitle={20th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction}, year={2012}, url={http://www.iglc.net/papers/details/746}, affiliation={Professor, Civil Engineering School, Federal University of Goiás, Goiânia, GO 74.605-220, Phone +55(62)3209-6279, FAX +55(62)3521-1867; tatiana_amaral@hotmail.com ; Research Fellow, Civil Engineering School, Federal University of Goiás, Goiânia, GO 74.605- 220, Phone +55(62)9972-6484; phmcelestino@gmail.com ; Research Fellow, Civil Engineering School, Federal University of Goiás, Goiânia, GO 74.605- 220, Phone +55(62)8585-2654; josehenrique1@yahoo.com.br ; Research Fellow, Civil Engineering School, Federal University of Goiás, Goiânia, GO 74.605- 220, Phone +55(62)8463-1662; rickbrito87@yahoo.com.br ; Research Fellow, Civil Engineering School, Federal University of Goiás, Goiânia, GO 74.605- 220, Phone +55(62)8111-5021; murillobatista@yahoo.com.br }, abstract={The principles classified by Koskela (1992), adapted from Toyota production system to civil construction, constitute important tools to the companies acting at the construction market. This paper evaluate the presence and identity the principles in three of the main companies acting in the civil construction market in the State of Goiás, the companies were named A, B and C, and it is shown their strong and weak points in relation to the execution stage. The evaluation was done based in a questionnaire, consisting in verifying the treatment of each of the eleven principles defined by Koskela (1992), by the presence of specific actions to each of these principles, based in a scale of zero to ten. It was found that the implementation of lean practices in the civil construction in the region, represented by the companies A and B, is not well disseminated and incorporated as a management methodology, but when it happens, it is usually partial and to meet requirements of the quality management system, many times focusing in measurements to maintain safety and health at the construction site. In relation to company C, despite being active at the local market, comes from foreign markets and it is a great national area representative, it was observed greater service to the principles of Lean Construction and a greater presence of Lean Thinking in the company’s technical team. }, author_keywords={Lean construction, Koskela’s Principles, Companies from the State of Goiás. }, address={San Diego, California, USA }, issn={ }, publisher={ }, language={English}, document_type={Conference Paper}, source={IGLC}, }